Experto Theme
Modern, responsive, “intractive” style theme
Full-width Images and Sections

Tons of “shortcodes” for your page content
Why We Wrote this Theme
There are thousands of WordPress themes and dozens of Bootstrap themes, but almost all of them are designed with a maximum width. Most of the Bootstrap themes are also only for developers, not users, with just the basic ugly Bootstrap sticking out like a sore thumb. Most of the Bootstraps themes aren’t based on a core WordPress theme either, so they can be difficult to figure out how to adjust the styling.

We developed this theme to be unique in these key ways:
- It is based on the WordPress core “starter theme”, so you already know how to style it and override templates and such in a child theme without learning anything new!
- It is based on Bootstrap for cross-browser capability in a fully responsive theme with tons of components that you can use in your content, such as buttons, navbars, sliders, etc.
- It is designed to be a modern, “flat” (or technically “almost flat”) theme with full-width colored sections and full-width images. This really brings your content alive and allows the reader to focus on that content instead of the theme itself.
- Its open source AND completely free. Most themes like this are considered “premium” themes and cost money. Our hope is that user’s will love it and theme developers will start using it as a core “framework” as well.
Theme Features
Modern, “flat” style theme with beautiful color palette
Fully responsive theme that changes layouts for desktop, tablets, and phones
Hundreds of icons from Bootstrap and Font Awesome
Big full-width featured images on any page
Full-width colored sections
Variable column footer with 1 to 4 columns

WordPress Themes: HPA/LiveWell
HPA/LiveWell was founded in 2009 by Dr. Julie Morison. Dr. Morison wanted to meet the needs of the community by helping people make the change required to live their best lives. Since then, she has become a recognized leader in evidence-based, outcome-driven programs for eating disorders.
- Website Design & Development
- Theme Development
Challenge & Solution
HPA/LiveWell approached UX Design Experts who can help them in not just upgrading their web presence but also tell them about different and custom ways to represent textual and boring information to read at times. But the biggest challenge was that they wanted to do this in a way that they can do it themselves and wanted to build it on a theme which is light-weight and doesn’t have unnecessary stuff
UX Design Experts was so thrilled to present them with a great looking website with different neat and interacting ways to represent information based on a Theme which is initially developed by UX Design Experts only but now was totally accustomed to HPA/Livewell’s need.